November 10, 2019

Martha O'Kennon

The Euonymus at the front steps is probably at its height of color. Meanwhile Jadesy is indoors and showing no signs of flower buds. Next year! The weather has been everywhere on the spectrum. We will wait and watch.

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The ants were still around but mostly old friends, like the Small Honeys. The second one MAY be a Small Black Sugar Ant. I've lost all I thought I'd learned about identifying ants! Third is probably a wasp, not an ant.

This green aphid was identified by @glmory of iNat as Sitobion avenae. It must have wandered off the grass tail by the shop. The barklice seem to be thinning out a bit. Third is our old friend, Graphocephala cruciatus.

The first two are our NEW barklouse friend, Valenzuela flavidus. Third is our almost as new friend, Trichadenotecnum alexanderae.

A few beetles: the first an unknown; then an Asian Lady Beetle; then a member of the Lightning Beetle family.

First is an unknown beetle that resembles so many others! Next is an unremarkable black one. Third is the most common beetle seen around here lately. What is that on its right front leg?

More Agallia nymphs.

The first one here was a mystery bug in the grass tail of the week. The next two are both possible Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs.

Here is one of the several "case creatures" or "bag worms". And moving on to the flies, here are three Crane Flies.

A possible Crane Fly and one that I would have said was a Crane Fly except for the fluffy antennae.. Third looks like a Gall Midge.

Here we have a fly with startlingly spotty wings. It reminded me of the second and third, two pictures of a kind of fruit fly whose relatives tend to have lovely patterned wings. These pictures were taken in August, 2015.

A few more little flies: a probable midge with probable prey; one of those Bathroom Midges; and another probable Midge.

Mystery. Mystery.

The brown seed-like thing in this grass tail shot was identified as the seed of a grass in the genus Setaria (Foxtails and Bristlegrasses). Jadesy and a reblooming Japonica plant add some color.

A brown lacewing. A looper.

We seem to have run up into the Spiders. Here are the pick of the week: Six-spotted Orbweaver (2 pictures) and a Cellar Spider (genus Pholcus).

Another Cellar Spider. A Common House Spider. A Running Crab Spider (two images).

Here we have a Grass Spider; and two views of a Hentzia Jumping Spider. Love those eyes!

Here is a recently ID'd Encyrtid Wasp, and another very pretty one of genus Microterys.

Here are two views of the trees on our street turning red.

And here are two Thanksgiving Cacti.

Some things that look like eggs of a creature whose shells are thick in some of my Bur Oak saplings.

The house is still full of dust and mess. But some progress is still being made. This is four weeks since the chimney collapse! But how about a nice Youtube celebration of the Wedding of two Praying Mantids?

praying mantis wedding Praying Mantis Wedding

Well, everyone, take care of yourselves and I hope you all will enjoy this season and the next. It can only get better!

Love, Martha

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copyright Martha O'Kennon 2019